Captain's Log 08.25.2019
Two meals a day just won't cut it yet. Yesterday, we ate a late lunch or early dinner, around 4 p.m. By 9:00, both of us were starving. I had already snacked on a small bowl of frozen grapes and the 100 calorie fruit and grain bars. Later another bowl of frozen grapes. I finally ate two pieces of toast with the thinnest smear of peanut butter and split a rounded teaspoon of low sugar blueberry jam that I had made. It wasn't much jam (preserves, actually), but there was some on each slice of toast. I would have been better off eating a couple sliced cucumbers or a big green salad. Lesson learned.
I was pleasantly surprised when I weighed in this morning and the scale showed that I'd lost 2 lbs. I need that to help me stay motivated. I got a nifty little weight loss ticker that I can put at the bottom of some pages. But damn...55 pounds to go to hit my goal of 150. I gave myself a year to get there, so that's roughly 5 pounds a month.
I'm now making a conscious effort to go at least 12 hours between eating at night and eating in the morning. It's much easier for me to NOT eat in the morning. When I was young, I would not eat at all until around 3 p.m., then I'd eat until I went to bed. If I ate breakfast, I'd eat all day. It's still like that today, but I'm trying to change my ways. Erg.
I just finished my 20 minutes of exercise with Curtis and have a cup of oatmeal in the microwave. I use 1/2 c. thick cut, old fashioned oats with some 30 calorie, unsweetened Almond milk. I like Aldi's brand the best. Plans are for a big chopped salad with red and green cabbage, romaine, sliced cucumber and a homemade oil freed dressing - homemade ACV, some Dijon mustard and maple syrup to taste. Sounds wretched, doesn't it!! But it's actually pretty good. I think I got that recipe from the McDougall page years ago. She used a lot of mustard, but I'm pretty iffy on mustards of any type, so I don't use nearly as much. No plans for supper yet.
I have this saved on my computer, but I didn't save the source, nor the exact quote:
Pain-safe foods virtually never contribute to arthritis, headaches or other painful conditions: these include rice, cooked green, orange and yellow vegetables, cooked or dried non-citrus fruits.
Common triggers that cause pain in susceptible people include alcoholic beverages (especially red wine), caffeinated drinks, monosodium glutamate, aspartame (Nutra Sweet) and nitrates. Here are other common food triggers, also known as the 'dirty dozen': dairy, chocolate, eggs, citrus fruits, meat, wheat, nuts and peanuts, tomatoes, onions, corn, apples and bananas.
Stuff I like.
Belly Fat

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