2019 now. So it's been years since I wrote here. A lot has happened and I'm learning to roll with it. So, today, my journal here is taking a different direction.
My health has taken a slow nose dive since May of 2012. First a diagnosis of COPD. Emphysema. Hey, I quit smoking two days before I finally went to the doctor because I couldn't breathe. Later came ILD - Interstitial Lung Disease. If you never heard of it, don't be surprised. I hadn't either. But here's a link explaining what it is if you're interested - here . I don't have the scarring type at this point.
In 2014, I had a triple bypass. Four months later I had a stent put in my heart. Funny, my total cholesterol was 176. I went vegetarian for 6 months. Cholesterol went up to 197. WTH? I went vegan for the next 6 months. Cholesterol went up to 207. WTH???? No, I wasn't eating processed foods, no vegan junk food. Apparently there is a group of us that does this. Oh well. I put butter back in my life and my cholesterol dropped 26 points, with no other change. Actually I did that a long time ago, too, with the same results - cholesterol 176. My husband, Bill, finally did the same. His cholesterol dropped 50 points! Wowser.
Moving on. Oh yeah, IBS-C and IBS-D decided to live with me in 2014. I didn't know there was IBS-C for Constipation. I was eating beans, oatmeal and fruit like crazy and wouldn't poop for days. When I was in the hospital after I had my bypass, I lied to the nurses that I'd had a bowel movement so I could finally go home. Eight days in the hospital...no shit. Literally. Passed a few marbles a couple days after I got home. What's up with that???
Last year, Chronic Bronchitis was added to the list. Add to that, over the past few years, I've gained 50 lbs. It's hard to exercise when you can't breathe. Try exercising when you have a clothespin over your nose while breathing through a straw in your mouth. Some days are like that. Most days I sit a lot. In February, my left hip decided that it was done with this shit. Three weeks later, my right hip agreed. A couple months after that, both knees joined them. Arthritis can really hurt.
Weather change? I'll let you know a day in advance. Ha!
So, in an effort to change my life and my health with positive motivation, I'm creating my own little Captain's Log for my journal. I'll list what I'm eating, how I'm exercising, what I'm battling. Since public humiliation seems to be the trick with a lot of people trying to lose weight, it's going here as well. Probably no recipes, but for my own sanity, I'll talk about my ups and downs and try to keep it positive.
My health has taken a slow nose dive since May of 2012. First a diagnosis of COPD. Emphysema. Hey, I quit smoking two days before I finally went to the doctor because I couldn't breathe. Later came ILD - Interstitial Lung Disease. If you never heard of it, don't be surprised. I hadn't either. But here's a link explaining what it is if you're interested - here . I don't have the scarring type at this point.
In 2014, I had a triple bypass. Four months later I had a stent put in my heart. Funny, my total cholesterol was 176. I went vegetarian for 6 months. Cholesterol went up to 197. WTH? I went vegan for the next 6 months. Cholesterol went up to 207. WTH???? No, I wasn't eating processed foods, no vegan junk food. Apparently there is a group of us that does this. Oh well. I put butter back in my life and my cholesterol dropped 26 points, with no other change. Actually I did that a long time ago, too, with the same results - cholesterol 176. My husband, Bill, finally did the same. His cholesterol dropped 50 points! Wowser.
Moving on. Oh yeah, IBS-C and IBS-D decided to live with me in 2014. I didn't know there was IBS-C for Constipation. I was eating beans, oatmeal and fruit like crazy and wouldn't poop for days. When I was in the hospital after I had my bypass, I lied to the nurses that I'd had a bowel movement so I could finally go home. Eight days in the hospital...no shit. Literally. Passed a few marbles a couple days after I got home. What's up with that???
Last year, Chronic Bronchitis was added to the list. Add to that, over the past few years, I've gained 50 lbs. It's hard to exercise when you can't breathe. Try exercising when you have a clothespin over your nose while breathing through a straw in your mouth. Some days are like that. Most days I sit a lot. In February, my left hip decided that it was done with this shit. Three weeks later, my right hip agreed. A couple months after that, both knees joined them. Arthritis can really hurt.
Weather change? I'll let you know a day in advance. Ha!
So, in an effort to change my life and my health with positive motivation, I'm creating my own little Captain's Log for my journal. I'll list what I'm eating, how I'm exercising, what I'm battling. Since public humiliation seems to be the trick with a lot of people trying to lose weight, it's going here as well. Probably no recipes, but for my own sanity, I'll talk about my ups and downs and try to keep it positive.
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