Saturday, August 24, 2019

If Your Lifestyle Doesn't Control Your Body, Your Body will Eventually Control Your Lifestyle

"If your lifestyle doesn't control your body, your body will eventually control your lifestyle." Ern Baxter

Captain's Log - Ship still in dock: The Beginning of the Journey

The first steps towards being healthier is to eat healthy. The standard COPD diet tips that everyone agrees on are:
1. No sugar
2. No dairy
3. No nitrates
Pretty straightforward. From then on, opinions vary, depending on individual results. And especially from those who refuse to give up bacon.

Standard Arthritis Diet:
1. No potatoes
2. No tomatoes
3. No sugar
4. Anti inflammatory Diet
Okay, got it.

Standard IBS diet:
1. Eat some fiber first thing in the morning
2. Avoid fiber
Uh, ok.

THEN I had bloodwork done to see what foods created an inflammatory response in my body. Worth.Every.Dime.  I bought this one for about $150. A LOT of foods that are supposed to be good for you are not so good for me. Depressed, I made a list of food that I should avoid:

Sugar, red meat, clams, fish and shellfish, all cured meats.
Tomatoes and tomato products, potatoes, red and orange bell peppers, paprika, mustard, garlic, ginger, celery, squash, asparagus, corn, apples, citrus, bananas, fresh pineapple, kiwi and raspberries.
Barley, sunflower, wheat, cocoa (Noooooo!), coconut and coffee (Noooooooooooo!)
Egg yolk, dairy and Whey Isolate

Taking action:
I decided it would be better to list the foods that I can eat with no problem:

Chicken, egg white, fresh pork, turkey
Carrots, kale, spinach, romaine, beets, green beans, green peas, sweet potatoes, broccoli, red and green cabbage, cauliflower, onion, cucumbers.
Nuts and nut butters, oats, beans and legumes, lentils, split peas, rice, soy products.
Watermelon, apricots, peaches, blueberries, pears, cherries, grapes.
Elderberry, apple cider vinegar, water kefir, tea, almond milk, plant milks

Looks like I won't die.
A lot of the foods that I listed from the blood test didn't have much of an inflammatory response, but I try to limit them. It's a good thing that I'm okay with eating mostly vegetarian. 

Let's do this.


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